IntelliInvest - NSE BSE Stock Analysis

by intelliinvest



NSE BSE in-depth Stock & Mutual Fund Analysis and Leaderboard at one place

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IntelliInvest - We are the Best Stock Market and Mutual Fund App in the India. We believe in empowering investors with intelligent investment techniques. Our goal is to provide a simple and powerful Stock market analysis interface to all investors and traders to go about their investment/trading needs. IntelliInvest is powered by in-depth Share market analysis of equities. It makes stock picking very easy and is able to guide you through the ups and downs of the market with timely advice through some of the unique analysis. The various analysis modules complement each other and provide a holistic analytical perspective to the investor about his investment through technical analysis charts, free live charts for Indian stocks, market news live and many other things.Here’s the walkthrough of our IntelliInvest app to give you a coherent idea of why do we stand out as best Stock Market App from the rest.Technical analysis of Indian Stocks - You get full Technical, Fundamental, Industry, Market Bubble, Industry Bubble and Investment profile analysis all under one umbrella of NSE and BSE stocks.IntelliAnalysis - IntelliAnalysis analyzes the market for you through 3 lenses “Industry, Fundamental and Technical” to serve you us a precise stock market predictor and give you the best ROE.IntelliBubble - IntelliBubble is industry specific. It bubbles up the entire industry into a percentage rating. The percentage shows the amount of shares bought in that specific industry. You can know how much are people buying stocks of a certain company and also the times when they are undervalued. Along with that you can see the bubble for any industry from agriculture to education to utility markets, throughout the year. IntelliBubble also advises on the percentage range for you to invest in a certain industry.IntelliFilter - We know you wonder which way to start and which way to go while venturing into equity investment. With the help of IntelliFilter you can filter, filter & filter to know the best route to venture into equity investment.Investment Profile - Our intelligence gives you tips, notification and alerts of India Stock Market according to your Investment Profile!. Answer a set of questions to understand your investment-risk profile and then take the right steps to become a pro in the stock market.IntelliLeader - If trading is your passion and you want to reach out to a wider audience join our LEADERBOARD! Be a leader to many. If you are looking for just some tips and insights or are looking a guide for your investing you can use the leaders portfolio details and maximise your returns.IntelliTrend - These days being an investor means you need to think like a trader after having analyzed and learned technical analysis of stocks. Having the most happening stocks in your portfolio is one of the ways you can make a difference. It is also a quick way to know which stocks are moving the market. Is it driven by stock specific news or industry specific news or is it market in general. Knowing this would help you get the right stock into your portfolio, after all it is all about timing isnt ?IntelliPredict - Our unique algorithms predicts the market for you ahead upto 1 month through IntelliBubble, Technical chart analysis of Indian stock, etc.IntelliFunds - Investing in Mutual fund had never been easy. IntelliInvest makes picking mutual fund even easier by scanning through 6000 odd funds to give you top picks in each category.1. Enhanced chart views in Stock Analysis 2. Improvised stock signal indicators

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Very helpful to all investors and traders


Very excellent services

Geeta Sahu

Good for long buy and hold but i would stick to own analysis and research then investing on other people tips because its your money and you should clearly understand the logic behind you investment

Raju Mukherjee

After subscribe not active Fake

vv shinde

Nothing is new.. old analysis and reports.. waste of money

Pankaj Kumar

Best app


great app..mostly accurate in predictions..simple but informative.

Vijay Patil

I liked the prediction part

Rayhal _

Very good app but crashes continuesly during one tab to another tab surfing.

Sachin Rane

Very good app